The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit

These classes are based on the book, The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit, which is a work deeply rooted in Scripture. It is an in-depth study of the role the Holy Spirit has played in the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. As the Word of God declares, this world is under the sway of the evil one. But God has been at work all along, drawing both Jew and Gentile away from the ways of sin and death and into the paths of eternal life, through the work of His Holy Spirit. You can purchase the book directly from the publisher at:

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Audio Classes

Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures

"A walk through Old Testament prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah of Israel. This series of messages takes us back 4,000 years to trace how thoroughly every aspect of Jesus's birth, life, and death were prophesied in hundreds of passages in the Old Testament. Many Christians today do not begin to understand how critical knowing the Old Testament is to their faith. Jesus did not replace the Hebrew Scriptures, He fulfilled them! He is indeed "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
Sermon Series

A message given at Manhattan Grace Tabernacle on March 26, 2003. (26 min 16 sec)

“…We all want peace, but the Scriptures are very plain that we are not offered peace—complete peace—until the time that Jesus returns… God has a contention with the nations. God is working in nations to break prison bars, and set the captives free…”