I’m staring at two booklets by Chris White: Judgment or Revival, Which Will It Be? and God and Man and Monkey at Yale. Their publisher is not the prestigious Oxford University Press but New York’s New Testament Missionary Fellowship. Their author entered Yale in 1971, the year I graduated. We were both told that our duty was to join the American elite.

White at age 19 felt called to be an evangelist. Over the years he has led college Bible studies, preached in Central Park and Times Square, taught high-school math, and done much besides. Since 2004 he has evangelized in Colombia, the country from which his wife comes.

His in-laws wonder why a Yale graduate isn’t walking the halls of power. One reason may be White’s frequent prayer that God “would grant us a heart of wisdom to understand how little we know, and how much we still have to learn. . . . The more we grow up in Christ, the more we will understand that the Christian life is not about mastering a body of knowledge, or even about achieving a level of self-sufficiency. The Christian life is about learning to walk in a continual, growing dependence on Jesus Christ.”

His in-laws wonder. By the way, White—realizing that he is reaping what others have sown, and that God is in charge—has directly led almost 1,000 people to make a serious profession of faith in Christ.

It’s a wonderful life. — Marvin Olasky (Editor in Chief)

Copyright ©2008 WORLD Magazine
January 26, 2008, Vol. 23, No. 2
(Used by Permission)