Yale University Yale University

My brother-in-law, Philip Chamberlain, was going through old papers when he came across a prophecy that the Lord gave me 32 years ago. If the words were applicable then, they are much more so today. So please read this and PRAY FOR THE UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS of our country!

May the Lord again grant us "seasons of refreshing" from His throne!

Christopher N. White

Wisdom cries out,
I have prepared my food,
I have prepared my drink.

Come ye simple ones,
Come and eat.
Come and learn of me,
Come sit at my feet, 
For if you listen and do what I say,
then you will have life
and have it to the full.

Wisdom cries out,
But who hears it in those places where wisdom
ought to be spoken?
In the universities and the schools
where the Lord appointed that His truth
should be spoken, lies are spoken instead.

For God should be acknowledged and praised,
but men have turned it to wickedness.

Remember, remember the heights from which these
institutions have fallen.

The enemy would bury the remembrance of
those heights.
He says these are the heights and this is wisdom.
This is understanding—that man should bow down
to no one but himself.
But what folly it is when men bow down before
the idol of man’s wisdom.


It doesn’t take many to change these situations, but it does take those who are decided of heart. It does take those who understand what the nature of the battle is. It does take those who themselves have wisdom and walk according to wisdom, since many have tried to change these places but have not done so in the wisdom of God.

Pray for those students whom the Lord will raise up. There have been times when it has been but a handful who have been sufficient to change an entire university for a season, because they were wholly yielded to the Lord—and that is the key.

The key is not in the numbers, but the key is in the yieldedness. The key is not in striving, but the key is in walking in the Spirit, not trusting in the wisdom of the flesh but trusting in the power of the Spirit.

The enemy has overwhelmed the universities, but how much more can the Spirit of God overwhelm those same universities. But the need is for those who will give themselves wholly to the Lord among the students, among the administration, among the faculty.

Pray for those key ones who will stand for the places where the Lord has set them. Pray for them that the Lord will raise them up to speak wisdom in a way that prevails over lies, to speak truth in a way that prevails over falsehood. Truth is more powerful than falsehood, but it must be spoken in the power of the Spirit, and it must be spoken publicly to destroy lies.

Pray, and stand in your Lord. Remember the heights. Remember the first purposes of the Lord that were in so many of these schools, that the Lord may restore once again and put wisdom where wisdom ought to be—where it can transform the lives of the young, and give them lives of usefulness to the kingdom of heaven, rather than lives that, on the judgment day, will prove to have been utter futility despite all they seemed to accomplish. Amen.

Christopher N. White, Yale ’87, Columbia ’91 (Sunday, August 30, 1992, Yonkers, New York)
